Parkour for Kids


Kids are naturals. It’s just a matter of fine tuning. Just like the adults we build the same foundations, just moving a bit quicker. building core strength, moving focus to arms for swinging and to legs with some plyometrics in mind.

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  • For Level 1, jumping, landing, and rolling are our focus. We like to toss in a few games to spice things up.

  • Because the kiddos are still getting used to their body’s, we still heavily focus on strength and endurance. We just start pushing it a bit more.

    Scaling walls become more fluid along with transitions from walls to platforms to bars. In level 2 power and control collide. We also start teach foundations for flips and more flash tricks (this is more free running)

  • Looks like they got rolls and scaling walls down no problem and they’ve started getting inverted. Time to push that parkour flow and go a little harder

    Don’t get us wrong, we love to play, but as we push our limits in class we start to buckle down. Flyaways, flips, and a big lachés are just the start.